jeudi 28 octobre 2010

Euh, et moi j'ai surtout parlé de Mme Jon Spencer... : Boss Hog - "Whiteout" City Slang Records

Boss Hog qui, malheureusement, est quelque peu passé à la trappe... Dommage dommage, c'est (c'était ?) un excellent groupe mené en sous-main par Mr Jon Spencer himself.

Yesterday M.I.T talked about : jon spencer blues explosion live at the french tv

Ouaip, rien à ajouter si ce n'est que le nouveau projet de Mr Jon Spencer (Heavytrash) vaut un prolongé et approfondi détour (n'est-ce pas Guillaume ?). Le blues explosion aaahhhhhhhh pourquoi ne font-ils pas leur come-back maintenant pour récolter les fruits de ce qu'il ont sauvagement semé ? Le guitariste Judah Bauer (un des patrons du label Fat Possum, très très bon label) joue maintenant avec Cat Power, le petit coquin.

samedi 2 octobre 2010


The 'icemen' of Mexico City
If you think that ice trucks and the deliverymen with giant tongs who work on them are a thing of the past, come to Mexico City.

Every morning at about 7:15 a.m. when I take my daughter to her school bus stop, I see the street vendors along Insurgentes, one of the main arteries of the city. Often, the coolers that hold their soft drinks hold blocks of ice.

For the first time the other day, I saw the ice truck making its delivery. The workers hopped out with their huge tongs and lugged the blocks of ice to each vendor.

The capital is a city of street vendors so there is still huge demand for fresh ice each morning. So even as a look up at a skyline of modern high-rises here, icemen still fulfill a valuable function.
Tim Johnson.

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Un exemple ? The White Stripes - Icky Thump - (From "Under Great White Northern Lights")

The White Stripes : Under Great White Northern Lights - Official Trailer

J'ai oublié de parler de ce docu qui est tout simplement ENORME...

Today Stef and I talked (again !) about Battles - Atlas (from the album Mirrored)

En ce jour de manifs (réussies !) quoi de mieux que Battles ? :)